quard 2 stand cold rolling mill


Accurate and Rapid New Model for Mill Deflection and Strip Thickness Profile BE ... 2 modern, single-stand cold rolling mill for processing specialty stainless steel ...

Rolling technology combining field-proven reliability …

Rolling technology combining field-proven reliability with cutting-edge innovation CMI’s latest generation of cold rolling mills, always made to measure for individual customer requirements, offers the most efficient, yet lean mechanical design and engineering for all of its mill types.

Cold Rolling | Primetals Technologies

Tandem cold-mill solutions from Primetals Technologies stand for high product yields combined with flexible production, low operational costs and simplified maintenance work. Depending on the product mix, the production capacity of continuous tandem mills from Primetals Technologies can exceed 1.2 million tons per year.

Waterbury Farrel Rolling Mills

match the performance record of Waterbury Farrel Rolling Mills. ... Multiple-Stand Mills, ... modern Skin-Pass Temper Mills. A light cold-rolling operation on a 2 ...

Cold rolling - dk8mx37zdr9bp.cloudfront

of mills for stainless steel, ... — optimize the configuration and installation of the mill stand, ... highly efficient cold rolling mills and skin pass mills ...

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